Evening blog readers :).
The world is your keyboard :) |
So this topic was not one that I ever really considered talking about, but I was talking to a friend today and they were talking about starting their own blog and I started thinking about why I started mine.
Now I have had this blog for a little over two years now. And the first two years were....slack. Like 7 posts in one year slack..
I always told myself I wasn't a writer; that I could express myself by talking a lot easier so I resigned myself to making YouTube videos and figured that that was my 'niche'.
I didn't have faith or confidence in myself as a writer.
I didn't think that anyone would want to read anything that I would write.
I thought that every blog post that I put out would have to be MAGIC incarnate.
But it doesn't. You know what it has to be?
Purely me.
That's it.
Now I originally started this blog to talk about music, review new CD's and show the world the music I liked to listen to and open discussions based only around that.
I remember writing my first 'lifestyle' post about a nail polish design that I had done and had scrambled to find a song to fit the post (PS. I'm still guilty of this, I think I have to include a new song for every post because it's a 'music blog')
But as the years went by and I made changes in my life, I found that this blog is a creative outlet for ever facet of my life. It helped me through super lonely times when I moved to southern Alberta all by myself. It was very therapeutic to have something I could turn to in order to express my feelings. It was my online diary or journal.
It was way easier for me to type than to actually write because my typing hands are WAY faster than my writing hands and my mind moves so fast that there was no way I could keep up if I just wrote what I thought.
Now this blog has evolved into a lifestyle and a Marie blog. It's not just about music, even though I still love the stuff, I am finding way more I love as well.
DIY projects will make an appearance, raves about my awesome friends will also show up (heck if there was a job to be people's personal cheerleaders I would love it!).
I just want to say thank you to everyone who reads my blog and who leaves great comments. It's crazy to know how many people actually read this lil ol' thing. I never thought I would have that much reach into people.
So the reason I started this blog was to focus on one passion and show people how passionate I was about it. But now this blog has evolved into being my passion. Every post is all me. I only pick things to talk about that I enjoy and I format everything that fits me.
I looked at my blog the other day and saw 'home'. It felt comfortable, I felt well represented and it was something I was proud of. I'm like 'look at that, you did that'.
It's funny because every so often people refer to me as 'the writer' or 'the artistic one' and I stop for a second and can't imagine who they are talking about. It still hasn't 100% registered with me that I write things, and people read them!
So again I say thank you for reading the blog and letting me into your heart and mind for a few minutes of your day.
P.S. - I think everyone should blog ;).