Friday, July 26, 2013

BVJ Countdown - Day 62!

I'm down here in Mexico
Sick as a dog
My head is poundin' in this border town fog
Down to my last dime and comin' apart at the seams
I'm messed up in Mexico
Livin' on refried dreams

I LOVE THIS SONG! Reminds me of childhood which of course I love! Just has a very twangy sound to it and Tim's old stuff rocks!!

Isn't he just so pretty!?!?!
Ok! So a while back I hit 100 blog posts, and just last night I got over 4000 views on my page! So in honor of that I'm doing a sneaky little blog giveaway (for my avid readers ;)). All you have to do is comment on this post with your favorite Tim McGraw song and you will be entered into the draw for a $50 iTunes gift card :). This giveaway will be over on the 6th of August :) (after BVJ of course!). I'll also be doing a bigger giveaway for that! 

Thanks for reading!


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