Sunday, July 31, 2011

Throw Me A Melody, I'll Write You A Symphony...

Now Playing - Original Me - Cascada (The Entire Album)

Hi! (from the road :) )

So here we go, the first blog post on the road, (I finally did it!). I'm so excited that this idea of posting a blog from other places, other than my hometown, actually made it! It also kinda fits that the album that I'm going to be reviewing today is one that I listen to as I cruise (I listen to audiobooks usually if I drive long distances). So, before I start, I'm going to be all teacher and let you know what I am planning today for this post: a more extensive review on an album (guess which one it is??).

The Review

So I said before that my Old Man Markley review ( was last post!) was a mini-review and what I meant by that was that I only talked about a few songs that stood out to me and gave brief descriptions on them. This review is going to be a little bit different because I'm actually going to designate some time for ALL of the songs on this album (don't worry, there are only 11 songs!). 
1. San Francisco - What a great first song!! Gets you dancing and it's one that you can crank as you drive around in the summer! The one thing that I will say about this song is that it does have a certain "California Girls"(Katy Perry)-esque vibe to it. I love that song too so it helps this song, it's just kind of funny how this seems like a lesser mainstream version of that song. 
2. Au Revoir - This next song seems like a 'power' song. What that means is that it's all about female power and not about a girl 'gushing' about her new man. As a single, and proud of it, female, I LOVE 'power' songs. Always have, always will :)...even when I'm not single.
3. Stalker - Ok, so as soon as I saw the title for this next song, I was hooked! It's a running joke with a few friends of mine that I'm a 'stalker', just because I find them all over our town and such. But with the techno beats and the fact that she talks a little bit at the beginning and end of this song, I don't mind being associated with this song. 
4. Night Nurse - If you listen to this song, you might get a bit of Cher at the beginning when they sing the 'Night Nurse' part, I definitely did, which is one of the reasons I like this song. Another is just the ease of understanding and hearing the lyrics (I love to sing along to songs :) ). 
5. Pyromania (the song is the video that's linked at the beginning of this post) - Now I'm a bit touchy when it comes to songs about fire, because of what happened in my hometown on May 15, but I actually don't mind this song. I think it has a good beat and rhythm. This whole album is pretty techno and this song lends really well to that genre. A definite party song :).
6. Unspoken - The first 'slow' song of this album. The word slow is quoted because this song definitely has a bit of electronica in it as well. I love the rapping in this song (give me a good rap anyday and I'm happy :) ). I love the lyrics of this song and it's funny that I know couples that this song pertains to; they have a love that doesn't need words to explain it's there (my parents, Alyssa and Josh).
7. Original Me - The title track :). I love this song because it's another 'power' song. I would rather someone know the 'original me' than the made up and fake me, anyday :).
8. Sinner on the Dancefloor - Listening to this song from the beginning, you would think it's going to be quite a slow song, but then you get the pounding techno beat that totally changes the sound of the song. Another great dance song :).
9. Enemy - The second slow song from Cascada. This song definitely showcases the singer's very sweet and soft voice. I think it's beautiful. The lyrics are definitely deeper than on the other songs. I love when artists who are more 'clubby' and such include songs like this on their albums. It allows for more emotional moments to come off a single album.
10. Hungover - Another deep and slow song. Hidden in this song is a 'power' song. It seems as if Cascada wants to keep all of their slow songs to the end of the album; I'm not a big fan of that. I like my song styles intermingled or else you just end up skipping the last three songs off an album.
11. Independence Day - The second song with rapping on it :). I feel like the last song kinda segue'd nicely into this one. She was 'hungover' from him and this song is kind of about her 'sobering' up. She is gaining her independence and her 'power'.

Overall this album has a nice electronica/techno mix. It has a nice variety of songs that you can jam along to. I have on more than one occasion, rolled down my windows and cranked it while driving around my hometown with the sun shining through and thinking 'this is paradise'. Cascada has, in the past, been quite monosound on her albums (re: Alyssa.."Cascada?"), but this album has a nice balance of sounds and subjects. I bought this album because I love upbeat, uptempo music and she hasn't let me down before. I didn't come out of this experience let down either :).

Rating: 4.5 bars out of 5.

Bye for now, and "C(ascada)" you very soon,


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