Monday, July 18, 2011

While I've Got Your Ear, What Do You Want To Hear...

Now Playing: The Whole Album - Guts n' Teeth - Old Man Markley

Well here we go again, 


So this post is going to be a hybrid of a few things. I'm going to do a my first review(be it a mini one) and then I'm going to talk about a certain type of playlist (hint: I took a girls road trip this weekend), and finally(!) I am going to recommend a new song that made me super happy to find and hear! So let's get started.


As I start this review, the song that drew me to this band has just come to an end. It's called "For Better, For Worse" from (you guessed it!) Old Man Markley! Now I know what your thinking and it's something I thought too...what kind of music is this band going to play? The band name doesn't really give any hints, and when I tell you what they play, you might shudder if you don't like country music. They play a folksy/rock/indie style of music. This album is definitely a mix of different sounds. The background sound is country, but the lyrics are deeper than normal country music. I already mentioned one of the songs that I love off of this album (look above for a great song that has an opening that you can't help but sing over and over again; the video is crazy too!) , but another one is called "Letterman". (Sorry I don't have a link for this one). The opening harmonica bit drew me to this song and made me feel like swaying in my seat. The lead singer's voice is so gruff and soulful in this song that it is very easy to listen to. If you are looking for a song where you can 'bop' to the whole song, this is your choice. The third song that I love (I love them all, but this was a mini review) is called "Song Songs", and it is hyperlinked on my whole album link. This song leads perfectly into the second portion of this post. I cannot express how much I love this song, but I'll sure try. The message it conveys is one that there are all different types of songs. I love when songs can cover so many moments in your life. There is a line in the song "Songs can't tell who you are, but they feel so real", it just speaks volumes. No matter how you feel, there is a song that can motivate you, console you, be your best friend, be your coach, be your shoulder to cry on. I thank Old Man Markley, and J for introducing me to them, for this great album and the awesome music that I get to listen to forever. :) (psst...go buy it!! :) )

Musical Score: Five bars out of five.


Giggles, Moneybags & Bangin' Boo

Leadfoot & Cadilac

So these are my girls and I love them all! We recently went on a four day girls fest down to Calgary and then on to the town of Blairmore for a little thing called "THUNDER IN THE VALLEY". Along the way, we spent over 20 hours in my small vehicle. (Five girls + five girls luggage for four days = one tired car!) Anywho! We listened to a lot of music on this trip and I thought I would share our 'playlist' in order to inspire other future girlfriend road trips! 

Leaving the city: Everybody (Backstreet's Back) - Backstreet Boys - We all jammed out to this one and so will you! It's a classic!!
Driving down the Highway: Party Rock Anthem - LMFAO - Now this one is new, but had to be added to this playlist (we fist pump out the window!)
The first night in Calgary: Cadilac Ranch - Nitty Gritty Dirt Band - Leadfoot and Cadilac (aptly named!) were showing the cowpokes how the city folk do the two-step while the three of us (Giggles, Moneybags, and Bangin' Boo) were hanging outside taking pictures!
Heading to Blairmore: Thunderstruck - AC/DC - This head rocking song set the tone for the rest of the weekend, heck, it even has the word thunder in the title! 
Getting ready to go out the second night: Blow - Ke$ha - I honestly think we listened to this song five times that second night! Such a 'get you pumped up' song, and who can't help but dance when she says to at the beginning?
Heading to the Lake - Shots - LMFAO - This is another song that gets you pumped up and allows you to do the 'Python'; Moneybags' way of doing a fist pump where you essentially punch forward or make a striking python..try it!
Last night at Thunder - Firework - Katy Perry - I thought it was quite cute that in the huge field where they set off 30 straight of minutes of fireworks, they cranked this song. I LOVE! when songs link up to what is actually happening.
Heading Home - Man! I Feel Like a Woman - Shania Twain - This whole song encapsulates our weekend but with the lyric "the best thing about being a woman is the prerogative to have little fun", Shania cemented her place in our all girls weekend. This song is so empowering and you just want to crank it and sing it with your girlfriends!!

So that's that, the first playlist that was inspired by my real life. I look forward to many others and what emotions and adventures that they will be based on!

P.S. - Sorry to any boys who read this...the next playlist won't have as much estrogen in it..


Ok, so I went into this blog posting tonight only thinking I'd do two things: the review and the playlist, BUT!! whilst looking for a video for my last posting, I came across something wonderful!! 


Now if you haven't already guessed by my background, or my first blog song selection, or my tattoo..or, or, or..I love Paramore!! I could write and talk about them and gush all day..but I won't. Anywho, here is the video for their NEW SONG!! (GAHH my inner self is screaming) 


Thanks guys and gals for reading and I hope you take your daily dose of Vitamin M(usic) ;)


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