Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Some Things Never Change...

So hopefully none of you betting folks thought I would keep up with a post a day because you'd have either lost or won big ;).

Not exactly sure what caused my hiatus but it feels like one day turned to two and then suddenly it's been almost two weeks since I've posted. 

I blame getting back to school but then having snow days for hindering my inspiration lol.

Anywho!! I'm back..for now..lol if you know me or this blog at all you know I'm always on the go.

So sometimes it's challenging to find time to sit down and just write.

But I wanted to get back to it tonight. 

I'm going to start by saying: be nice to people.

I know that that is super simple advice but just do it. It's not hard and people appreciate it. Heck, if my fourth graders know that, then you should too!! Unless you are in third grade and haven't learned it yet ;).

Also, don't be afraid to reach out to people when you feel lonely or sad, they will help rather than criticize you...if they are nice (if they are not, see above ;)). 

Like I had posted already this year: you are not alone. 

It's amazing what swallowing your pride and telling a truth or two will do for your mental health. People need to know that you are anxious, or lonely or depressed. Talk about it. Be ok with being truthful about it. You got this!

I'm here for you. Even if you just stumbled upon this blog or are an avid reader. I'm here for you. I've pretty much been in most situations so I have advice and plus I'm almost 30..so..yeah that has to count for something right?

And on that note I think I'll call this a blog post...

Talk later..byeeee.


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